Saturday, 19 June 2010

Life is just one big waiting game.

Although waiting for things doesn't always prove a bad thing I was just sat here waiting for big brother to come on, Waiting for my friend to arrive, Waiting for someone to bring me a mcflurry when I started stalking vivienne Westwood as she was sat next to the person who interviewed my for Ravensbourne at the graduate fashion week, when I somehow started looking up this photographer called Terry Richardson.

And I can't decide whether I'm absolutely in love with his scandalous work and shame free attitude to sex, or whether I find it all a bit to cleche of a dramatic fashion photographer trying to stand out from the crowd. However all in all I'm currently a bit mesmerised by his work and how i did not recognise his name as I've clearly seen his work before, Here are a few of my favourite pieces.

All in all i admire his courage and love some of the ideas he uses in his pieces 

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